Events/ Curator

BRUTTO, since 2013, monthly concert series, brut, Vienna
The artists Rania Moslam, Lisa Kortschak and Gregor Mahnert, from September on, delight the brut theater with a new monthly concert series: BRUTTO! The background of the organizers, ranging from music to visual arts and photography to theory, promises a musical and performative program as well as cross-genre combinatorics. The concert series are open to different artistic formats to explore links and generate friction between them. However, not in the sense of the „anything goes“, but rather programmatically bold thinking together is the intent. (brut program)
Concept, curators: Rania Moslam, Gregor Mahnert, Lisa Kortschak

DANCE DINNER & DOOM DOG, 2016, performative score, brut, Vienna
In DANCE DINNER & DOOM DOG, a silent movie is shown four times in a row, each time with a different soundtrack produced live by different solo musicians. The combination of unvarying film and varying sound produces constant change, eliciting ever new facets, nuances, highs and lows and different perspectives from the interplay of individual components. The film was made by trans-media artist Lisa Kortschak herself, who in her works combines film, music and performance.
Idea, concept: Lisa Kortschak  With: Billy Roisz, Susanna Gartmayer, Veronika Eberhart and Lisa Kortschak

BEYM ARSCH IST’S FINSTER – Vienna From the Underground
2015, WIENWOCHE opening, fluc, Vienna
„Beym Arsch ist’s finster“ („Your Wazoo Is Always a Dark Place“), Mozart once put it. After all, Mozart’s notorious canon is often sung using the words whenever one’s backside should not explicitly be named: „A grave is always a dark place“ – which can be readily applied to Austria’s relationship with its own skeletons in its closet.

In the revue, numerous musicians from Vienna catch the audience’s attention with their own songs, extreme covers and bizarre sounds that present an urban landscape beyond kitsch and clichés.  will be participating.

Whether system-critical hymns, slow partner dances, Yugo bands, tantalizing Balkan sounds, techno beats with the distinct Viennese workers‘ „L“, Austropop, Viennese and Yiddish songs or Hip Hop ballads in three-four time –  the new interpretations of Viennese classics particularly convey a single thing: an interest in protesting against governmental power and social moral standards making even Prater pimp-daddies blush.
Concept/ Curators: Denice Bourbon, Marty Huber, Lisa Kortschak
With: 2/8erl in Ehr’n, Ana Threat, Catch Pop String Strong, Esrap, Fatima Spar Quintett, First Fatal Kiss, Fools of Potential, Freulein Potmesil & Flo (pop:sch), Gin Müller & Sabine Marte, Grace Latigo and Nitro Mahalia feat. Gustav

INSIGHT THE OUTSIDE, 2014, filmconcert, brut, Vienna
Three different bandcostellations present their own music and film material in sets of 30 minutes. The acts switch continuously between experimental film screening, film scoring, music video and live concert and discover new perspectives and spaces between the formats.
With Pendler, Igor & Ivan Buharov and Asil K (Lisa Kortschak)
Idea, concept and curator: Lisa Kortschak

FIGHT FOR CRUMBS, 2012, lieder recital, Wienwoche, Vienna
Is that still fighting or even survival? An evening with songs, changsongs and hymns about money and conflict. Presented by people who work under precarious conditions this context adds new perspectives to the songs and generates contradictions.
„Crumbs“, a Viennese expression, stands for difficulties, troubles and conflict. The title “ Fight for crumbs “ includes an invitation: Fight for the conflict! (Wienwoche)
Concept, curators: Rania Moslam, Gregor Mahnert, Lisa Kortschak
Participants: Abfallberaterinnen MA 48,
Denice Bourbon, EsRap, Luis Figueroa, Heidi Gross, Hor 29 Novembar, Marty Huber, Norma & Irene Wotruba,  Sü-Vaal, Tony Wegas, u.a.      wienwoche/kampfumbrö

FOLIE EN ROUGE, 2012, burlesque New Year, brut, Vienna
An evening hosted by 4 performers, presenting a queer-radical-feminist-flying circus, where time becomes a weightless bomb.
Performance, concept: Denice Bourbon, Lisa Kortschak, Gin Müller and Stefanie Sourial/ Curator: Lisa Kortschak

MESHES TO MESHES, 2011, performative score, brut, Vienna
Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid’s Meshes of the Afternoon is a classic of Surrealist cinema, capturing its protagonist as well as the audience in a nightmarish maelstrom between dream and reality. In this project, the 15-minute silent film version was presented four times in row, with four different band constellations providing a live soundtrack.
Idea, concept, curator: Lisa Kortschak
Meshes to Meshes 1: Gregor Mahnert & Susi von Hannover/ Möström/ L’asino/ dieb13
&The Monosyllabistic Girl (Lisa Kortschak)
Meshes to Meshes
2: Billy Roisz & Anat Stainberg/ Chris Janka & Oliver Stotz/ Nitro Mahalia/ Eva Jantschitsch, Bernhard Schnur, Sasa Miletic& Lisa Kortschak